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Events / Other festivals and celebrations

The annual festival "Winter fun in Uglich"

7 february, 2015, Uglich

The purpose of that winter festival is to preserve and resurrect colourful traditions of Russian amusements as well as nourish new traditions of active winter holidays, promote healthy lifestyle. In the programme of 2013 year 13 kinds of competitions were offered: tourist trip at snowmobiles with instructor, snowmobile races, presentation swimming of "walrus" people, competition in cold swimming, winter motocross, competition of homemade sledges, mass ski race The Ski Track of Russia, show of motor paragliders, winter fishing, culinary competition "Fish tale", riding in a horse carriage, "Winter folk games", weight lifting and arm wrestling.

For children inflatable amusements were operated. One could ride on sledges from poured slide as well as on inflatable “banana” hooked behind a snowmobile. At the festival sites animators work who offer buffoon fun and funny games.

By tradition, the festival is held at the left bank of the town of Uglich (the district of pits), that is a picturesque place and a convenient location to build tracks.

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13:31:35 0 C (0 F)
Region: Yaroslavl region
City: Uglich
Organizer: The Government of Yaroslavl Region, Administration of Uglich municipal district
Phone: (48532) 2 30 72, (48532) 5 03 03